Saturday, February 12, 2011

A funny thing happened on the way to the park.

Photo of Pinto looking rather dejected. He has a dreadful time in the summer. He get this itch and cannot stop scratching. It drives me mad watching him scratch so he must be quite uncomfortable for him too. The vet gives him an injection and then a course of tablets to take which does stop it. But these tablets can cause
some nasty side effects if you keep taking them so it is a no win situation. We do try creams among other things which sometimes ease the situation. It isn't too bad at the moment.
Funny thing happened about a month ago. Tony was taking the dog to the park for a walk as he normally does. He asked me to let Pinto out when he had got the car out. He reversed the car and I came out with the dog but Tony didn't stop he drove off. He was obviously in another world. Pinto and I sat on the front step waiting for him. After some time had elapsed he returned. He hadn't realise Pinto wasn't in the car until he had arrived at the dog park. Is that a "seniors" moment or not?
We have people coming for lunch next Sunday. I used to get uptight and nervous about cooking dinners and worry for weeks before.......who am I kidding I still get uptight and nervous although the difference now is I have the attitude "what does it matter if things don't turn out, it will be tomorrow soon enough". It will just be dinner for six, Peter and Gina, Terry and Janet and Tony and myself. Gina is a vegetarian so I am making an eggplant and pasta pie and Peter and Terry like meat so we will have a BBQ. Gina is bringing the dessert, Janet a rice salad and Tony is cooking the meat so that just leaves me with the entree and a few salads........sounds quite simple.
We actually had rain yesterday which was a nice change. Although hopefully it won't rain this afternoon as we are going to the Charity Shield - Souths v St George, and I don't fancy sitting there in the wet particularly if the Tigers aren't playing. This will be my first NFL match this season but 2nd for Tony as he went to the Return to Redfern game last week. I passed on this and went to a card night at Carmel's (friend from Monday cards) instead. I took along so pastries I had made for nibbles (which didn't turn out quite right of course) and found she was all set up for dinner. I had already eaten beforehand but managed to try a little bit. This turned out to be the hottest night ever recorded and there we were, 20 of us sitting out on the balcony playing cards. I have never drunk so much water. We were playing for the "green shirt" which is a yearly competition and Peter was the winner. I came second but nothing was awarded for that. I did however win one of the lucky door prizes....a bottle of red.
Felise has completed her second week of school and all's going well. This is a photo of her graduation from Cheeky Monkeys at the end of last year.

Craig has found a new unit at Merrylands and moves in next Friday. It is only a 2 bedroom and is a lot smaller then the house he had to vacate because it had been sold. He might have a bit of trouble fitting all his furniture in.


  1. Nice photo of you and Amy, and of course Jake and Felise although I've seen that photo before somewhere...
    Definitely a seniors moment for Tony!

  2. Kerry probably sent that photo to you.

  3. Back up to speed with the blog again. now that you are on a writing role you should tell Melissa the story about Tony and the souths shirt
