Tony asked if I wanted to see a movie over the weekend. He had been reading about it in the paper and thought it might be ok (English of course). There is not too many movies he likes so we decided to go. The movie was call " Is anybody there" with Michael Caine and it was about a couple with a young son that rented out rooms to elderly people that didn't have anywhere else to go. It reminded me of Tebbut Lodge. It was through the eyes of the son who wanted to know what happens after death. So when any of the residents were dying he would put his recorder in their room to see if there was any contact from them after their death. I found it a bit depressing. Especially when a singer came to entertain them and began singing "The wheels on the bus" I even woke up about 3am this morning and couldn't get back to sleep because I was thinking about those old people and that I was one of them and I was useless and not wanted in todays world. Eventually I got back to sleep after telling myself not to be stupid and that love and life was there for everyone no matter how old.

Son David had complimentary tickets to see Cesar Millan (the dog whisperer) at the Acer Arena and asked me along. When I was telling a lady at the gym about it she asked were we taking our dogs along. You could image what it would be like with 15,000 people with their dogs!!!!
Anyway the show started at 3pm and didn't finished until after 6pm so he did a lot of talking.
He spoke about how it is your karma that affects the dog. A lot of what he said was true how dogs behave and we could relate it to our own dogs. He waffled on a bit and repeated himself but overall I thought it was an informative and funny show. Although as David said, I don't think I would have paid (it was quite expensive) to see him as the thousands did.
What the seminar was about:
To recognize the "animal" behavior in dogs.
How we humanize dogs and how this "people" behavior impacts the "dog" behavior.
The different levels of energy and how they influence the dog's personality.
Giving rules, boundaries, and limitations
What dog fulfillment is and how we can balance them by following simple guidelines.
Cesar's leash techniques, and when and where to apply them
You can see him on the Bio channel (foxtel)
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