Nellie's back. She must have been hiding in her room last week. When we were doing exercises she was eyeing me out of the corner of her eye. I thought I was going to be able to read to her this week but it didn't happen. I had a chat to another lady named, Diane until she had enough of talking and needed a cigarette. She asked if we could continue outside in the smoking area. I said yes as long as she didn't blow the smoke in my face. That was a mistake, I won't do that again......I hate being around people that are smoking ....I get all choked up. Only two people, Robert and Thomas, came to garden club this week as the others were not too well. However, the Baptist Minister, who volunteers for an hour on Tuesday turned up with his tools. I think maybe he should be a resident in this place as well as he could not remember Robert and Thomas' names and asked me, I'm not kidding, 20 times or more in the hour and then kept getting them mixed up.
Kerry-Ann was unable to start her new job last week at Burwood Library as little Felise was sick and had to spend a few days in hospital. She is on the mends now but is still not well enough to go to Cheeky Monkeys. Hopefully she will be better soon.

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