It was visiting day and we went to Terry and Janet's at Petersham to pick up our Season Tickets we had lent them when we went to Perth in case they wanted to take somebody else. While we were down that way we dropped into see Debbie at Newtown. She is a true blue Souths fan and all she talks about is Souths and goes to everything that is on in relation to them. Even travels inter state to see them. Tony had painted her house and I think he wanted to show it off to me.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Visiting day
It was visiting day and we went to Terry and Janet's at Petersham to pick up our Season Tickets we had lent them when we went to Perth in case they wanted to take somebody else. While we were down that way we dropped into see Debbie at Newtown. She is a true blue Souths fan and all she talks about is Souths and goes to everything that is on in relation to them. Even travels inter state to see them. Tony had painted her house and I think he wanted to show it off to me.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Happy Birthday Jolanta

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Homemade special
Another performer at Tebbit Lodge this week and I don't mean one of the residents. They had a country singer come along and he had a great voice. I have seen so many concerts since I have been there. All the residents thoroughly enjoyed it. Even Nellie must have been off her medication this week as she got up for a couple of minutes and danced (didn't let go of her handbag though). She even had a half hearted go at the exercises class.
I took the garden club by myself today as Shirlee was at yet another one of her endless meetings. It was great we didn't do much gardening as we had some chokoes to plant but there wasn't any available space to plant them. So we talked instead. I now have some homework to do as one of the resident's, Edwin, asked me to look up some things for him and even gave me a list. Have you heard of "elephant garlic"?
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Senior Citizens Dubbo Holiday

Our driver, Don.

St Bridget's Church was around the corner from our motel so I went to the 6pm mass. The church was only 17 years old and already they are in the process of redoing the whole roof as it leaking. Apparently something was done incorrectly in the first place. The old church is still there but boarded up, I don't know if it is heritage listed but it looked sad and unwanted.
Tony had set his sights on a nice steak for dinner so we went off to the Steakhouse our driver had recommended. Steaks were about $32 so it cost us a bit for dinner that night but it was worth it. Its hard to get a good steak.
Sunday we were taken to the Shoryoen Japanese Gardens; Old Dubbo Gaol; a young couples property about 10km out of town who were breeding African birds and Alpaca's; Terra -Mun-Gah, an Aboriginal Heritage site; lunch at a bakery; then packed on the train to go home.

Nellie's back

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Weekend chills
Tony asked if I wanted to see a movie over the weekend. He had been reading about it in the paper and thought it might be ok (English of course). There is not too many movies he likes so we decided to go. The movie was call " Is anybody there" with Michael Caine and it was about a couple with a young son that rented out rooms to elderly people that didn't have anywhere else to go. It reminded me of Tebbut Lodge. It was through the eyes of the son who wanted to know what happens after death. So when any of the residents were dying he would put his recorder in their room to see if there was any contact from them after their death. I found it a bit depressing. Especially when a singer came to entertain them and began singing "The wheels on the bus" I even woke up about 3am this morning and couldn't get back to sleep because I was thinking about those old people and that I was one of them and I was useless and not wanted in todays world. Eventually I got back to sleep after telling myself not to be stupid and that love and life was there for everyone no matter how old.

Son David had complimentary tickets to see Cesar Millan (the dog whisperer) at the Acer Arena and asked me along. When I was telling a lady at the gym about it she asked were we taking our dogs along. You could image what it would be like with 15,000 people with their dogs!!!!
Anyway the show started at 3pm and didn't finished until after 6pm so he did a lot of talking.
He spoke about how it is your karma that affects the dog. A lot of what he said was true how dogs behave and we could relate it to our own dogs. He waffled on a bit and repeated himself but overall I thought it was an informative and funny show. Although as David said, I don't think I would have paid (it was quite expensive) to see him as the thousands did.
What the seminar was about:
To recognize the "animal" behavior in dogs.
How we humanize dogs and how this "people" behavior impacts the "dog" behavior.
The different levels of energy and how they influence the dog's personality.
Giving rules, boundaries, and limitations
What dog fulfillment is and how we can balance them by following simple guidelines.
Cesar's leash techniques, and when and where to apply them
You can see him on the Bio channel (foxtel)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Winter wonderland

I went to the specialist for my post op visit today. Actually it was supposed to be yesterday but he had to attend an emergency birth and had to postpone it until today. Even then he was running late and I had to wait about 2 hrs. However it was worth it and all was ok everything was benign so that was a relief.
Went shopping with Kerry and Jake yesterday as all the sales were on and Kerry was looking for some outfits for work. Just about every shop had sales. Just as well we went yesterday as I happened to call into Castle Hill today and found it hard to get parked as everybody and his dog were there today. I had enough and went home.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Back to work
I returned to TB after 4 weeks off. I was a bit hesitant as I didn't think any of the residents would remember me but to my surprise they all greeted me with open arms.
Took control of playing trivia with them today as Shirlee was at a staff meeting. Just read out the questions and they shouted back the answers. This guy name Tony knew most of the answers and wouldn't let the others have a turn to answer first. He reminded me of my brother, David when we went away to the mountains for Christmas in July a few years ago. They were asking trivia questions for the kids and David kept piping up with the answers.
I put my foot in it today as I call one of the resident's wife by the wrong name when she came in. I had been talking to Les this morning who had been telling me about his two wives both name Marjorie. He said the first one had died and I thought the one that came in was the other Marjorie but she had also died and this was his third wife, Joan. So I will have to be careful not to take everything the residents say as being correct.
Someone I missed today was Nelly. I meant to ask Shirlee what has happened to her but didn't get the chance. I will check it out next week as she was my great challenge.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Perth - sight-seeing
Nyoongar is the generic term for indigenous people of the southwest of Western Australia. The area at the base of Kings Park, known as Goonininup, was an important ceremonial and dreaming area for Aboriginal males.

We couldn't go on holiday to Perth without visiting Fremantle. I just love that place. This time we caught The Cat (free bus that goes to about 26 stops) to Fremantle Museum and Arts Building. They say the building is haunted and that people have seen images of a lady on the wall.
In 1852 the Lunatic Asylum at Kingston Upon Thames may have been the precedent for the
former Lunatic Asylum in Fremantle, now known as the Fremantle Museum & Arts Centre.
We did take a photo of this rocking chair moving but Tony must have deleted it.........or maybe it mysteriously disappeared from the camera.

We went to pick Pinto up from his holiday last Thursday and to our surprise was greeted by this nice lean dog. Apparently he had been playing all the time with the younger dog, Toby and also chasing the birds when they landed on the large grassed backyard. Pinto had been "top dog" and I think he was disappointed when we took him home although he did jump in the car rather quickly as did the other two dogs as well.
It has taken him a few days to settle back with us........he has been rather quiet and not eating much. When I say not eating, that's dog food. He will eat what we are having.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Perth - the relatives

Final Perth story to follow.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Perth - the reception
The wedding cake was two tier with one layer chocolate mud cake and the other caramel mud cake yum yum.

It was hard to explain exactly what we were doing at this wedding as the bride, Amanda is half sister to Catherine and Craig and daughter of Margaret (Tony's ex wife)and George so all the relatives and people were connected to them. We had Margaret's sisters sitting at our table. Also there was George's long lost daughter who is half sister to Amanda and Adrian and step sister to Catherine and Craig. It was not only the bride's family that was disfuntional. The groom, Mark's father had been married and divorced twice and his first wife who is Mark's mother and her husband were there and also his second wife and her husband who are friends of Amanda's just as we are were there.

Perth - the wedding