Saturday, June 27, 2009

Visiting day

Saturday started off with an early trip to Greystanes to watch Amy play soccer. They play in teams of 4 (this gives each one a chance to actually kick the ball) and Amy is the only girl in the team. It is funny to watch. At one point during the game the referee looked around and there was only 1 player for the other team left on the field. The other 3 had run off for various reasons; to have shoes laces tied, drinks or just to get a hug from mum. Amy scored 2 goals and was very pleased with herself. She is not afraid to get in there and have a go, although she did get a couple of kicks from other players and I thought she was going to cry but pulled herself up.

It was visiting day and we went to Terry and Janet's at Petersham to pick up our Season Tickets we had lent them when we went to Perth in case they wanted to take somebody else. While we were down that way we dropped into see Debbie at Newtown. She is a true blue Souths fan and all she talks about is Souths and goes to everything that is on in relation to them. Even travels inter state to see them. Tony had painted her house and I think he wanted to show it off to me.

After having a cup of tea there we were going to call in on David and Simone at Sydenham but they were going out gallivanting around as usual. You know how it is, high profile tv stars.

We then ventured over to Kerry and Michael's place at Canterbury and had fun with Jake and Felise. I played hide and seek and the Sore Tummy game with Felise while Tony had a cup of tea and muffins. It was beginning to get dark so we headed back to the Hills.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Jolanta

I met up with Jolanta and Sokit for breakfast to celebrate Jolanta's Birthday. I gave her a blouse which I loved and was hoping it would be too small for her so I could keep it. Also, I gave her a copy of "Paris when it Sizzles" dvd which she seem pleased about. I know you have seen most of Audrey Hepburn films Melissa. Is there any you have not seen?
Sokit had a tip and asked me to put it in my blog.....if you have ball point pen marks on your clothes or whatnot, use Palmolive dishwashing liquid. Sokit swears by it. I don't know if it has to be "Palmolive" brand !!!!
Anyway we had coffee and raisin toast and Sokit was running late as usual and left her present
for Jolanta at home and Henry had to bring it to the coffee shop. While we were there we heard the news about Michael Jackson's passing and were shocked. He was a talented performer and did have a lot of sorrow in his life.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Homemade special

Congratulations David and Simone on a wonderful performance. Simone did a great job adding a bit of conflict and deserves an Oscar. Your home was shown off magnificently as was Gerard and Natalie's. Anyone wishing to see the home can go on the website of "Homemade" and see each room renovated.
Another performer at Tebbit Lodge this week and I don't mean one of the residents. They had a country singer come along and he had a great voice. I have seen so many concerts since I have been there. All the residents thoroughly enjoyed it. Even Nellie must have been off her medication this week as she got up for a couple of minutes and danced (didn't let go of her handbag though). She even had a half hearted go at the exercises class.
I took the garden club by myself today as Shirlee was at yet another one of her endless meetings. It was great we didn't do much gardening as we had some chokoes to plant but there wasn't any available space to plant them. So we talked instead. I now have some homework to do as one of the resident's, Edwin, asked me to look up some things for him and even gave me a list. Have you heard of "elephant garlic"?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Senior Citizens Dubbo Holiday

We went on a Countrylink 3 day holiday to Dubbo, 400km from Sydney heading out to the central west. The journey was over 6 hours by train. However, the train trip was much more enjoyable than by plane and I was able to do some reading, knitting (I'm making a jacket for Jake) and just listening to the music on Tony's ipod while watching the scenery go by.

Dubbo has a population of 40,000 people and has all the usual chain stores. Two of our major roads the Mitchell (to Victoria) and Newell (to Queensland)Highways meet up in the city. They are very keen on their sport and there is always some sporting event going on.

On arrival we were picked up at the station by a mini bus and taken to our motel which was very comfortable and clean. We then went out to explore the town and went to the Coffee Bean for a cup of coffee which ended up costing us $11 for 2 cups. Tony's had misheard the waitress and thought she said $11 but actually she had said $7 and accepted the $4 as a tip.

Our driver, Don.

We had dinner at the RSL and went back to the motel for a good nights rest as we had a big day coming up.
We were picked up at 9.00am and joined the other 20 people on the mini bus for our visit to Taronga Western Plains Zoo. My vision of the zoo was lions roaming around and monkeys jumping on your car .....but it was not that way at all. They did have much larger and more inhabitable enclosures than the city zoo but I could not help being a bit disappointed. I think I was expecting more of a Safari.

As usual it was siesta time for a lot of the animals but we did get to see some of them being fed.

First we have the meekats.

Morning Tea at the zoo.

We had lunch overlooking the monkey island.

Our day at the zoo finished at 5.00pm.

St Bridget's Church was around the corner from our motel so I went to the 6pm mass. The church was only 17 years old and already they are in the process of redoing the whole roof as it leaking. Apparently something was done incorrectly in the first place. The old church is still there but boarded up, I don't know if it is heritage listed but it looked sad and unwanted.

Tony had set his sights on a nice steak for dinner so we went off to the Steakhouse our driver had recommended. Steaks were about $32 so it cost us a bit for dinner that night but it was worth it. Its hard to get a good steak.

Sunday we were taken to the Shoryoen Japanese Gardens; Old Dubbo Gaol; a young couples property about 10km out of town who were breeding African birds and Alpaca's; Terra -Mun-Gah, an Aboriginal Heritage site; lunch at a bakery; then packed on the train to go home.

Nellie's back

Nellie's back. She must have been hiding in her room last week. When we were doing exercises she was eyeing me out of the corner of her eye. I thought I was going to be able to read to her this week but it didn't happen. I had a chat to another lady named, Diane until she had enough of talking and needed a cigarette. She asked if we could continue outside in the smoking area. I said yes as long as she didn't blow the smoke in my face. That was a mistake, I won't do that again......I hate being around people that are smoking ....I get all choked up. Only two people, Robert and Thomas, came to garden club this week as the others were not too well. However, the Baptist Minister, who volunteers for an hour on Tuesday turned up with his tools. I think maybe he should be a resident in this place as well as he could not remember Robert and Thomas' names and asked me, I'm not kidding, 20 times or more in the hour and then kept getting them mixed up.
Kerry-Ann was unable to start her new job last week at Burwood Library as little Felise was sick and had to spend a few days in hospital. She is on the mends now but is still not well enough to go to Cheeky Monkeys. Hopefully she will be better soon.

I will be starting my babysitting job this Thursday looking after Jake for 1/2 day. I told him last week that I would not put up with any nonsense and he agreed to behave. Good luck Kerry-Ann with your new job.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Weekend chills

The title is because although sunny for a part of it, the weather was rather chilly.
Tony asked if I wanted to see a movie over the weekend. He had been reading about it in the paper and thought it might be ok (English of course). There is not too many movies he likes so we decided to go. The movie was call " Is anybody there" with Michael Caine and it was about a couple with a young son that rented out rooms to elderly people that didn't have anywhere else to go. It reminded me of Tebbut Lodge. It was through the eyes of the son who wanted to know what happens after death. So when any of the residents were dying he would put his recorder in their room to see if there was any contact from them after their death. I found it a bit depressing. Especially when a singer came to entertain them and began singing "The wheels on the bus" I even woke up about 3am this morning and couldn't get back to sleep because I was thinking about those old people and that I was one of them and I was useless and not wanted in todays world. Eventually I got back to sleep after telling myself not to be stupid and that love and life was there for everyone no matter how old.

Son David had complimentary tickets to see Cesar Millan (the dog whisperer) at the Acer Arena and asked me along. When I was telling a lady at the gym about it she asked were we taking our dogs along. You could image what it would be like with 15,000 people with their dogs!!!!

Anyway the show started at 3pm and didn't finished until after 6pm so he did a lot of talking.

He spoke about how it is your karma that affects the dog. A lot of what he said was true how dogs behave and we could relate it to our own dogs. He waffled on a bit and repeated himself but overall I thought it was an informative and funny show. Although as David said, I don't think I would have paid (it was quite expensive) to see him as the thousands did.
What the seminar was about:

To recognize the "animal" behavior in dogs.
How we humanize dogs and how this "people" behavior impacts the "dog" behavior.
The different levels of energy and how they influence the dog's personality.
Giving rules, boundaries, and limitations
What dog fulfillment is and how we can balance them by following simple guidelines.
Cesar's leash techniques, and when and where to apply them
You can see him on the Bio channel (foxtel)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Winter wonderland

Well I think winter has hit us. Those chilly mornings and evenings and hopefully nice sunny days. Time to take out the knitting needles. Not many people knit these days. However, I am about to change that and will be starting on a cardigan Kerry-Ann would like me to make for Jake. We have purchased the wool and have perused the pattern and I mostly will began tomorrow or even tonight. I will let you know when I have finished.
I went to the specialist for my post op visit today. Actually it was supposed to be yesterday but he had to attend an emergency birth and had to postpone it until today. Even then he was running late and I had to wait about 2 hrs. However it was worth it and all was ok everything was benign so that was a relief.
Went shopping with Kerry and Jake yesterday as all the sales were on and Kerry was looking for some outfits for work. Just about every shop had sales. Just as well we went yesterday as I happened to call into Castle Hill today and found it hard to get parked as everybody and his dog were there today. I had enough and went home.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Back to work

First day back at work for Tony today. Kicked him out of bed and 4.45am. Not for much longer though as he is retiring at the end of July.
I returned to TB after 4 weeks off. I was a bit hesitant as I didn't think any of the residents would remember me but to my surprise they all greeted me with open arms.
Took control of playing trivia with them today as Shirlee was at a staff meeting. Just read out the questions and they shouted back the answers. This guy name Tony knew most of the answers and wouldn't let the others have a turn to answer first. He reminded me of my brother, David when we went away to the mountains for Christmas in July a few years ago. They were asking trivia questions for the kids and David kept piping up with the answers.
I put my foot in it today as I call one of the resident's wife by the wrong name when she came in. I had been talking to Les this morning who had been telling me about his two wives both name Marjorie. He said the first one had died and I thought the one that came in was the other Marjorie but she had also died and this was his third wife, Joan. So I will have to be careful not to take everything the residents say as being correct.
Someone I missed today was Nelly. I meant to ask Shirlee what has happened to her but didn't get the chance. I will check it out next week as she was my great challenge.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Perth - sight-seeing

I have not been to Kings Park and Botanic Gardens for over 18 years. Last time was with David and it certainly has changed since then. A lot more aboriginal facilities and gardens dedicated to different tribes.
For thousands of years Aboriginal people have been visiting Mooro Katta or Kaarta Gar-up, two of the many names for Mount Eliza, the highest point of Kings Park.
Nyoongar is the generic term for indigenous people of the southwest of Western Australia. The area at the base of Kings Park, known as Goonininup, was an important ceremonial and dreaming area for Aboriginal males.

In the park there was this large tree called a Boad. Boads are distinctive landmark of the Kimberly with relatives in Africa and Madagascar. Bo ads are relics of Gondwana, a time when the Southern continents were close together millions of years ago. The Boad is a rare example of Australian native plant that drops all its leaves during the dry season. It lives to a great age, storing large amounts of water in its trunk. Anyway, this particular tree travelled 3200km from Telegraphic Creek, Near Warmun, Northern Western Australia. The 750 year old GIJI JUMULU was planted on 20th July 2008 and is now starting to branch out with leaves. This was the longest land journey of a tree of this size in history. The construction of a new bridge on the Great Northern Highway required the tree to be moved. The Gija people of the East Kimberly gifted the Jumulu to the people of W.A

When we were staying in Rockingham we went one day with Cath & Mick to Serpentine falls. Serpentine National Park is about 50 kilometres or one hour's drive south of Perth and sits on the Darling Scarp. It protects more than 4,300 hectares of land.The park is known for Serpentine Falls which cascade over a sheer granite face. The Serpentine National Park abounds with the scenic beauty of ancient landforms and forest. It follows the steep slopes of the Serpentine River valley. Early European settlers came in droves to swim, picnic and enjoy a day out in the bush.Serpentine National Park exhibits a wide variety of plant life with wildflowers. Birdlife abounds with about 70 different species including red-capped parrots, western Rosella's, red-tailed and white-tailed black-cockatoos, and yellow robins. Kangaroos, wallabies, possums and many other animals call the park home. Mick & Cath often bring the children down for a swim.

While down that way we also visited the Mundella factory where they make yoghurt's, fetta cheese etc and the Borrelli factory were they make cheese. We purchased some cheese including a chilli cheese which I thought was tasty seeing I'm addicted to chilli as I have chilli sauce on nearly everything I eat.

We couldn't go on holiday to Perth without visiting Fremantle. I just love that place. This time we caught The Cat (free bus that goes to about 26 stops) to Fremantle Museum and Arts Building. They say the building is haunted and that people have seen images of a lady on the wall.
In 1852 the Lunatic Asylum at Kingston Upon Thames may have been the precedent for the
former Lunatic Asylum in Fremantle, now known as the Fremantle Museum & Arts Centre.

We did take a photo of this rocking chair moving but Tony must have deleted it.........or maybe it mysteriously disappeared from the camera.

Catherine and the children came up to Wannaroo for a BBQ and stayed overnight to be there for Tony's Birthday on 1st June. We celebrated by going to Mini Golf. The children let Tony win seeing it was his day. He actually had 3 birthday cakes this year. One with Catherine & the children, one Jessica made when we went to Kathy and John's place that night for a BBQ and one yesterday with our family in Sydney.

We went to pick Pinto up from his holiday last Thursday and to our surprise was greeted by this nice lean dog. Apparently he had been playing all the time with the younger dog, Toby and also chasing the birds when they landed on the large grassed backyard. Pinto had been "top dog" and I think he was disappointed when we took him home although he did jump in the car rather quickly as did the other two dogs as well.

It has taken him a few days to settle back with us........he has been rather quiet and not eating much. When I say not eating, that's dog food. He will eat what we are having.

Sandy is on the left of Pinto and Toby is on the right.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Perth - the relatives

Poor Grant had to give up his bedroom for us as Craig and the 2 girls were also staying with Kenneth and Sheila for 4 nights when we arrived. Thanks Grant.

We went out to the Kingsley Tavern for dinner and Amy was so tired after a few wines she fell asleep....ha ha. David might remember the Kingsley Tavern as he has been there many moons ago.

We spent a couple of days in a cabin near Catherine's place in Rockingham. It was a nice little caravan park and all the people were so friendly. Most of them were permanent residents. Tony could not get over the size of the TV but we didn't spend any time watching it as we were mostly at Catherine's or out. The blue car is a Hyundai Lantra we hired.
We went to see Jazmin and Michael play basketball. Also when we were in Wannaroo we saw Jazmin play tag footy and Michael play league in Joondalup. They are both expert sports people. Caitlin is not doing anything at the moment she just likes eating. She used to do dancing but does want to any longer. This is a picture of Mick showing off the tattoo he just had done. Their cat is Stirfry. She is so lovely and soft.

Final Perth story to follow.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Perth - the reception

Everyone rushed to stand in front of the heaters at the reception which was held at Waikiki Bowling Club as it was the coldest night we had in Perth during our stay.

There was good food, interesting conversation and ........ there was dancing That's me dancing with young Michael who looked very debonair in his suit.

The wedding cake was two tier with one layer chocolate mud cake and the other caramel mud cake yum yum.

It was hard to explain exactly what we were doing at this wedding as the bride, Amanda is half sister to Catherine and Craig and daughter of Margaret (Tony's ex wife)and George so all the relatives and people were connected to them. We had Margaret's sisters sitting at our table. Also there was George's long lost daughter who is half sister to Amanda and Adrian and step sister to Catherine and Craig. It was not only the bride's family that was disfuntional. The groom, Mark's father had been married and divorced twice and his first wife who is Mark's mother and her husband were there and also his second wife and her husband who are friends of Amanda's just as we are were there.

Perth - the wedding

Our plane taxied out to the runway ready to take off. I was gripping Tony's hand as I dislike take offs and don't feel safe until the plane straightens out, when the Pilot came on the air and said we would be returning to base. We were not allowed off the plane as the Pilot said it would not be long that there was a fault and the engineer was looking into it. An hour later the Pilot said there was a problem with the landing gear and should not be too much longer. Half hour later they said the problem was fixed but they needed to refuel. Why the had to refuel after only taxing out to the runway I don't quite understand. Fifteen minutes later they said the refueller had arrived. So 2 hrs late we took off hoping that the landing gear would work. Poor Kenneth did not ring first to see if the plane was delayed and had been waiting 2 hrs at Perth airport to pick us up.

It was raining heavily on Saturday morning and the wedding ceremony was to held in the gardens about an hours drive south from where we were staying at Wannaroo. On our way blue sky happened and when we reach the gardens the sun was shinning and continued to shine throughout the wedding although it was very cold. I don't know what Amanda did to make this happen but it must have been something good.

To be continued/