We had our friends from our New Zealand holiday, Peter and Gina over for dinner on Friday night. Gina is a vegetarian, not strictly vegetarian as she eats fish and other things from the sea, so I planned the dinner to accommodate her. We started with Tomato Cheese Tarts (a combination of filo pastry, ricotta cheese, basil and tomatoes) followed by Salmon fillets with Mornay Sauce served on a bed of potato and cauliflower mash and accompanied by snow peas and flaked almonds. This was washed down with a bottle of McWilliams, Mount Pleasant Elizabeth Semillon. A baked rice custard was served for dessert. I pretended I was in "My Kitchen Rules" but unlike a lot of those contestants mine turned out ok. Although I would have lost a few points for the first course as I forgot to grease the tins and the pastry got a bit stuck. All in all we enjoyed a good night and made plans for a trip to Mudgee for a couple of days in July. I must tell you about a strange thing that happened to me while I was in the supermarket shopping for this dinner. I needed a certain cheese and was looking through the hundreds 0f cheeses they seemed to have on display and was thinking to myself that I would never be able to find this particular cheese when I heard a thud behind me. I looked around and there on the floor were a couple of cheeses that must have fallen off the shelf. Guess what they happened to be the cheese I was looking for. How weird's that?
Last Tuesday we had lunch at Terry and Janet's at Stanmore and they had invited another couple who we had previously meet at their 50th wedding anniversary. This couple live down Picnic Point way and have a large boat moored outside their house which they have invited us to go on next time with Janet & Terry. Because of this lunch I had to miss out on Tebbut Lodge so I am looking forward to seeing the residents this week and have prepared some trivia and jokes plus some information on plants they had asked me for.
Last Tuesday we had lunch at Terry and Janet's at Stanmore and they had invited another couple who we had previously meet at their 50th wedding anniversary. This couple live down Picnic Point way and have a large boat moored outside their house which they have invited us to go on next time with Janet & Terry. Because of this lunch I had to miss out on Tebbut Lodge so I am looking forward to seeing the residents this week and have prepared some trivia and jokes plus some information on plants they had asked me for.
Kerry and I went to see "The Silver Rose " Ballet yesterday. This was a new ballet and all the cast were outstanding. It had a story and was easy to follow and very enjoyable. I caught the M2 bus and met Kerry at the Opera House. However, before this I did a bit of shopping and walking around and by the time I got to Bennalong point my knee was killing me. I go to the specialist next Monday but before this I have an appointment at the dentist so this week I am not looking forward to.
As Tony's car was still out of action we had to take Rolf and Christa's car to Raymond Terrace
last Saturday. Thankfully we have decided to change our 6/7 week meeting routine and are now going to meet 6 monthly. On the 6 monthly meeting we will be going to Nelson Bay and staying overnight which is a much better plan as driving to Raymond Terrace is more like a chore now as
it is
such a long way to go for a few hours.

Remember the Vampires Melissa? I watched the next one New Moon. I preferred the first one as this one was about Werewolves and everyone knows vampires outdo werewolves. Apparently there are 4 books in the Twilight series and they have already began on the next movie so I can't wait to see that one now.
You have been flitting about! Like the cheese story. I haven't seen New Moon, will watch soon.