That is what Tony said to me when I told him I had brought a dog for 300,000 coins on Farmville and I needed to feed it everyday for 14 days otherwise it would run away. Unfortunately the farm is part of my life now. I am not that interested in my cafe so I won't be going there for awhile. Enough of this nonsense....
I was sitting in the doctors waiting room on Friday and I began to think of how many hours I must have waited in there over the years. About 40 years ago when I first moved to North Rocks I used to see Dr Penney in the old surgery in Lawndale Ave. He then moved to new premises in Pembury St and when he retired about 20 odd years ago I began seeing another doctor in the same surgery, namely Dr Lee, and I have been seeing him ever since. Patients for the other 2 doctors there are in and out. Whereas there is always about an hour or so wait to see Dr Lee.
Anyway, I eventually got in to see him and he gave me a referral to an orthopedic specialist.
He then suggested I have the flu/swine flu needle and preceded to tell me the side effects you can get with it...... paralyses etc. I said "and you want me to have it". He said it is very rare so I agreed and now I have a very sore arm. I rang the specialist when I got home to make an appointment for my knee. However, the girl said he was on holidays and asked was it urgent. I said no I have put up with this sore knee for over 3 months and little bit longer won't matter. She then said, "oh I'm sorry but doctor only does feet and ankles." So I had to get back to Dr Lee for another referral which I will pick up on Monday.
We have only had our new car for about six weeks and already it is going back to the smash repairs for the second time. A week after we got it, Tony reversed down the driveway into the neighbour's car parked across the road. Then on Thursday coming along the M4 Tony was sitting behind a couple of large trucks and by the time he saw the tyre sitting on the road it was to late to change lanes so he had to go over it. He didn't realise until he got home how much damage it had caused. The front bumper was hanging down and all underneath was damaged. I think this car is jinxed. I guess we are making the most out of our present insurance company as we will be leaving them on the 17 of the month and going to APIA.
Yes the Easter Bunny did come this year......we had our usually Easter Egg Hunt in the front
garden and for lunch we had roast lamb and mint sauce.

This is a photo of the children looking pleased with their find. We also celebrated Michael's
birthday with some fairy cup cakes. This is a photo of Michael trying really hard to blow out his candle. Other important Birthday's .......Jazmin turned 14 today and Rob, our friend in Scotland, also celebrated today.
The "rabbits" played at Gosford last night so we went up there and had lunch with one of my oldest friends I have known since kindergarten. We meet Dale and John at the Leagues Club
and had a good chat for a few hours before we ventured across the road to see the game. The Rabbits won so Tony was happy and we got home and watch the Tigers go on to win as well.
How long can they keep this up???? For awhile I hope, although the Tigers lost a very good halfback, Tim Moltzen, for the rest of the season with a knee injury which is unfortunate.
Have a good week everyone!!