Sunday, December 26, 2010
Bring in the New Year
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Forgot my password
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Nelson Bay is not the same when it is wet.
This is a photo of the Dancing Ten (although there is only nine now). It was taken at the Hogs Breath Cafe at Nelson Bay where we had our six monthly get together and stayed overnight at the Nelson Bay Lodge. Our 2 monthly meetings at Raymond Terrace became a bit of a chore as we are all getting on now so we decided to do overnights 6 monthly instead.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Happy Birthday Jake
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
When a garden's not a garden.
To my surprise the next day my knees were ok and I could move around. I managed during the night to go into the other room where the screens were and watch the end of the Tigers match with Peter, one of our friends who is also a tigers fan.
Tebbut Lodge news...... Last week we arranged a garden bed in a pattern and planted some different types of flowers. This week we were told my the Manager that we had to dig them all up and plant them somewhere else and this patch was to be lawn and not a garden. So Robert and Thomas dug them up and we replanted them. Although I don't know how they are going to go after their poor start.
I manage to type up a bit of Ron's book on Sunday and discussed some of the pages with him today. There are quite a few spelling and grammer corrections I have to make as I go along. I think I need Melissa to do some editing. I will send her some of the book shortly.
Trivia gets a good turn up these days. I think it may be the chocolates I hand out afterwards. Even the ones that have been asleep seem to wake up at handout time.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
A new novel
Diane and John were thrilled with the engagement card I gave them and said, of course, you
are invited to the wedding. They have not settled on a date as yet.
Jake turns 2 next Thursday and he is having a Birthday afternoon tea with lots of dinosaurs.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
A few days in the Mid West
About 16 kms away was a town called Gulgong. It looked like one of the towns out west in the US. This town is famous and is called the Ten Dollar Town as its picture was featured on the original Ten Dollar Note. But of course, being Tuesday, there was not some many things open. So we carried on to another winery with magnificent views. Our next couple of days away will most likely be Wollongong or Orange.
Last Sunday Kerry-Ann, Felise, Jake and myself took a trip to Thirlmere Heritage Railway for a Day out with Thomas the Tank Engine. However we did not ride on Thomas but another one of his friends, called Donald and boarded this on a heritage-listed 1880s railway station called Sodar. There were over 40 locomotives and 80 carriages on display in the Museum. Our favourite was the goal train. After a picnic lunch and some serious fun on the jumping castle we took 2 tired little bunnies home but not forgetting to stop and play for 5 minutes at Grandma's as Felise had wanted to do.
I have had a couple of weeks off Tebbut Lodge ...reason being first week I looked after Felise and Jake and second week I was in Mudgee. Will have to prepare my trivia tomorrow as I know they will all be looking forwarded to it. Especially the newly engaged couple, Diane and John who are my no 1 fans. Their wedding will be a first at the Lodge.
Tony has gone to the footy today and taken a Warriors supporter in my place and this has allowed me to catch up on some important "me time". I will be watching the tigers play in a moment and if they can beat Manly they will be in second place on the ladder.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Home Alone the Dark
Tony is in Perth until the 3oth of this month with granddaughter Amy. They are dividing their time up between his brother, Kenneth in the North and daughter, Catherine and grandchildren in the south. The South Sydney team just happens to be playing a game against the Melbourne Storm over there and they will all be attending the game as Catherine and Jazmin are rabbitoe fans..
Just before going to play euchre at the club on Monday night I was washing up and I had just turned the insinkerater on when everything went pitch black. First I thought someone had turned the power off and I was a bit frightened (I have seen too many movies). I felt my way into the laundry where there is a large torch and went outside to see if anybody else's power was off but all there lights were on. I checked out power box and there was one switch that said off. This wasn't one of the usual ones that turn off so I gather it must be the main switch. When I turned it back on (or should I say George our neighbour turned it on as I didn't want to blow up the house) it went back off again. I then realised it must have been the insinkerater that was faulty and I hadn't turn its switch off. When I did this the power switch stayed on. I now have to get a plumber to look at the insinkerator. I would like to get rid of this anyway and get a normal sink as I have always hated it. As for euchre I don't know why I turned up this week as I only won 1 game, my worst night ever......although the company was good.
What beautiful weather we had on Sunday. I caught the M2 bus into the city and met Kerry, Michael and the children and we went to the Museum of Sydney and the Botanical Gardens. I hadn't been to this museum before and found it quite interesting. It was grandparents day and they had a live 3 piece band and singer which was a bit much for Felise as she doesn't like loud music so we were unable to watch them. At the moment they also have an exhibition about the depression years and I plan to go back with Tony and have a more detailed look as it was a bit hard to see everything with the children.
Freddo frogs went down well at trivia today.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Welcome home David
Yesterday at Tebbutt Lodge there was a concert in the afternoon and I was sitting there watching one of the residents, Lisabeth, dancing around to the music, with a couple of biscuits down shoved down her bra saved from morning tea. She used to be a dancer in her bygone days and well the biscuits I had made a mistake of giving to her as that's what she does with them. I began thinking about life and what happens when you get old and unable to care for yourself.
She seemed happy enough dancing around in her own little world but I began to get tears in my eyes thinking this could be me one day. Just then I was interrupted by Billy who wanted me to take him back to his room. On the way to his room he began crying and saying he was going to fall down as he thought we were lost an unable to find his room. I calmed him down and told him we were nearly there and we eventually made it and I told him to have a little nap. Billy is one of the residents that came from the hostel at Glebe which closed down and is taking a little bit of time to adjust to his new home.
That was the second person yesterday I had to take back to their room. In the morning Barbara had asked would I take her as she wanted to use the toilet. She uses a walking frame and it must have taken about 15mins to get there. However, the cleaners hadn't been into her room to clean it yet and when I saw her bathroom I had to go and get one of the PCs as it was so disgusting I couldn't go in.
As the concert was in the afternoon I decided to do Trivia in the morning. I told them some one line jokes which made them all laugh. Even Nellie was answering questions, even if they were a bit cynical. There was such a big turn up and I realised why. It was because last time I had given out chocolates. I promised them I would bring some next time.
Michael is spending 10 days in New Zealand so last weekend Kerry-Ann, Felise and Jake slept over at our place. Kerry-Ann had to work on Saturday so we took Felise and Jake to North Rocks shops to have coffee with Nora. However, Nora didn't turn up and had forgotten about it completely even though we only spoke to her the night before. Anyway we meet up with Burne and Jan who happened to be going to have coffee and joined them.
Monday, May 31, 2010
The First Day of Winter
We have booked at Forgandenny House (circa 1900) which is a magnificent Heritage Federation home, 250 metres from the heart of Mudgee, overlooking the beautiful Lawson Park and the Cudgegong River.
The house was commissioned to be built by Dr. Charles Lester, who was the first surgeon to practice in Mudgee (circa 1895). An historic home, complete with the ambience of a bygone era, In 1900 Dr. Lester commissioned Architect Harold Hardwick to design Forgandenny House to be his practice and residence for years to come. Built by Master craftsman Collier and Carmichael, on the corner of Short and Lewis Streets, overlooking Lawson Park and Cudgegong River, this magnificent Federation home still proudly stands today.
Getting back to Saturday at Hornsby. While we were waiting to meet our friends we had a look around the giant shopping centre. It has certainly changed since I last saw it about 10 years ago.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Tigers on comeback trail
This last photo was taken by Felise. She did a better job than we did except for her thumb.
A funny thing happen when Felise was getting ready to go to Kindy. I told her to go the toilet before she left which she proceed to do. She did her wee then pulled up her undies. I said "Felise you didn't wipe your bottom" to which she replied "Its alright Grandma, I did that last week". She sure makes you laugh sometimes.
Tebbutt news ......Erwin gave me an envelope last week and in it was $10 and 3 lottery tickets. He wanted me to have it as I had given him a bird of paradise plant and had printed out a lot of different information for him in the past. I notice he had printed Erwin and Cathy on the 3 tickets so I suppose he expected me to share them with him so I didn't feel so bad. Unfortunately they didn't win a brass razzoo.
Kerry and I went to see the ballet "Coppellia" (The girl with the enamel eyes) at the Opera House. Kerry had seen it several times but for me it was a first. It was an enjoyable production although we both preferred the ballet we saw last month. Our next ballet is not until December when we see the Nutcracker again which I will be looking forward to. Maybe next year we will take Felise along.
Son, David has taken off for an adventure overseas with his Dad and sister Melissa. Hope they all have an enjoyable trip.
This is a photo of neighbour Graham's new caravan. The other photo is the view from our place where it will be parked. Luckily the bush will cover most of it. It has everything imaginable in it.Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Mother's Day 2010
Trivia took at rest at Tebbutt this week as the lodge had their monthly resident meeting which I sat in on. They discussed things like....some residents missed out on dinner one night because there was a lot of staff away sick and the people filling in for them didn't realise some people hadn't been served. Also the language in the dinning room from some of the men is inappropriate and they want to draw up a code of conduct. Plus there was not enough pea & ham in the pea and ham soup.
The ex Baptist Minister that helps out with the gardening group didn't turn up this week and he was bringing some paint to paint some pots. I had to think of something else to do so we prepared this planter box and filled in with all different types of flower seeds. Hopefully one or two will come up.
I took Felise to Kindergarten this morning as Kerry-Ann had to go into the city library. Felise showed me where to put her lunch and where to put her morning tea and where to hang her bag. She then proceeded to sit down and start working on a project the teachers had set out for the children. Jake in the meantime managed to spill the glue.
My visit to the specialist for my knee was not that successful. $300 later he told me that the only thing that would fix it (mainly arthritis)was to have a knee replacement. He gave me a brochure to read and to go and think about it. After reading the pros and cons of the major surgery I have decided that I am not ready to go through that sought of pain at the moment and will keep my lot. He also told me to keep up with the gym and this may help.
This weekend we are off to a trivia night on Saturday and on Sunday, its the big game..Tigers v Rabbits.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
On this Day
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I can't believe it!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Remember the Vampires?
Last Tuesday we had lunch at Terry and Janet's at Stanmore and they had invited another couple who we had previously meet at their 50th wedding anniversary. This couple live down Picnic Point way and have a large boat moored outside their house which they have invited us to go on next time with Janet & Terry. Because of this lunch I had to miss out on Tebbut Lodge so I am looking forward to seeing the residents this week and have prepared some trivia and jokes plus some information on plants they had asked me for.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Are you for real?
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Happy Easter Everyone
Sokit had a baby shower for her daughter-in-law. They were mostly Sokit's friends as Laura had already had a shower with her friends the previous week. Have you ever been to a "do" with a roomful of Filipino's. It is so interesting to watch and listen. They all talk together and no one listens to what the others are saying. I made my famous lemon merinque pie as you will notice in the photo. The dishes Sokit made were yummy.