Thursday, October 8, 2009

I am so annoyed

There is a problem with Tony's facebook and I haven't be able to get on for 4 days now and I am hopping mad. I have sent them several emails and they say there are technical issues and are looking into the problem. This doesn't help my farm. All my crops are ruined and I was about to get enough money to expand my farm with those crops. I had planted potatoes and was expecting heaps of money but these would all have withered away by now.

Well I didn't win at cards on Monday night. In fact the only game I won was the last game.
Maybe the reason could have been that they decided to take all the 7s and 8s out of the pack.
This I believe and so did the majority of the others was stupid. Hopefully we can have them back in next week.

Had a good day at Tebbutt Lodge on Tuesday. I now have the run of the place and they even gave me a master key to get into all the rooms. I tend to take all the classes by myself these days as Vicki always seems to have other things to do. All the residents look forward to my trivia as when I arrive they always ask if we are having trivia. All except one gentleman who always shakes his head as much to say " you are not turning off the movie to play that silly game are you?" Only he is not able to speak but I'm sure he means that. I gave them some tricky puzzles this week that I had brought from home and they went down well. To my surprise even Nelly answered a couple of questions. I think she is getting used to me now. Although she does give me one of those looks now and then.

I have put in for another voluntary job. It was like applying for a real job that pays money. They wanted to know everything and asked for referees. I have sent the forms in and will see if I get an interview in the next 2 weeks. This one is an office job.


  1. I love hearing about the adventures at Tebbutt
    Lodge - looking forward to more...

  2. Oh and Joyeux anniversaire (encore)!
