Remember O'Reilly in Fawlty Towers, the builder Basil always got because he was "cheap", well I think he just completed our hallway. The tiles are uneven and the grout is coming out. Every time we come in our front door we have to play hopscotch to miss the cracks we have to keep refilling. Then Friday we found that the study door would not close as it kept hitting the tiles so we had to chop some off the bottom of the door. Oh well what do you expect when you pay someone 20c an hour.
We got a new book shelf so I could put all the old photo albums on as they have been tucked up in a chest and were not easily accessible. This means now I have to go through all the old loose photos and either throw them out or put them in the albums. This will be a major job and I don't know whether to start this one first or the other huge job I will have when I clean out the recipe cabinet and sought out all those recipes. I need this cabinet to put all the dishes from the cabinet we lost when we put in the dishwasher. Not forgetting the souvenir spoons I started polishing a month or so again and have not finished yet. Well what's retirement for you may ask.
We got a bargain when we bought the book shelf. We found just what we were looking for but they did not have any that colour in stock and the one on the floor was scratched. The shelf comes in a box and you have to put it together and you know what trouble we had with Jake's bike. So we asked could we have the one on the floor which was already put together. They gave us this one for half price and you can't see the mark anyway as we have put Tony's Gold Paint Tin trophy on top.

Last night we went to see Hale & Pace at Star City. Craig had given Tony tickets for his birthday. I said Craig could go with Tony but unfortunately he had other commitments that night so I went along. What a boring show!!!!! Lots of people were "killing themselves" laughing and Tony & I just looked at each other and said "what's so funny". It was just a lot of smutty innuendos and puns on words over and over again. Now I know why I didn't watch them on tv thirty years ago. Even the supporting act which was an illusionist was pathetic , he just moon walked around the stage like Michael Jackson most of the time and the rest was in the dark and you couldn't see what he was doing anyway. I think he was swallowing razor blades. Tony and I couldn't wait to escape even though we then had to pay a $22 fee for parking in Star City.
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