Its hard to believe a year has gone by and Jake turned one yesterday. He spent his birthday at Cheeky Monkeys and Kerry Ann had made cup cakes for all the children and the teacher put a candle on top. He is having a Birthday afternoon tea on Saturday and I will then present him with a cardigan which would cost around $500. $40 for the wool and $460 for all the time I put into making it. I just could not get it right and kept pulling it undone. It didn't help that the pattern was hard to follow in places and they had actually left some instructions out. Anyway it is finally finished. I just hope now it fits him.

As you can see it is awhile since I have written in my blog. Part of the reason being that we had used up all our megabytes and to use the Internet was going to cost quite a bit as we didn't get our quota back again until last Saturday. We have now upgraded and hopefully will not run out again. Particularly now that Tony has retired and he spends quite a lot of his time on the Internet.
I had to interrupt my writings just then to watch "The Amazing Race". That is one of the shows I have taken to watching along with " True Beauty" about all these bitchy people who think they are just "it". Normally we play cards on Thursday night and I have to tape them but this week cards has been changed to Friday night as Christa is having a farewell dinner for one of her daughters and family who are going overseas for 4 months. She already has one daughter and family living in Sweden.
Taking about playing cards we are still playing euchre on Monday nights at Northmead and last week the Tigers happened to be playing footy. They were showing the game on the big screens and I found it had to concentrate on cards as it was such an exciting game. Tigers won 19-18 against Manly one of the top teams. Go the Tigers!!!
Our handyman George is in the process of breaking up our front entrance. He is laying new tiles for us. His answer to everything is "no problem". Hopefully there will be no problems and he won't break too many tiles. The old brown ones we had were very dark and ancient so I will be glad to have the new ones.
Last Saturday Adam, the handyman from Tony's old work came with his wife Kerry to fit in our new dishwasher. As usual there was some sort of problem with the pipe connection and it took longer then expected so they stayed for lunch. We never seem to have anything done that is straight forward. There is always some obstacle in the way. The dishwasher is great and I have used it a couple of times.

Tony has started to grow a beard. What are your comments? So far peoples reaction is half and half. I quite like it for a change.