Just got back from Raymond Terrace after having dinner with the "Dancing 9" or should I say dancing 7 as Bill and Beryl were both sick and unable to make it. Despite being down in numbers we had a good chat and a scrumptious lunch of lamb cutlets. Each time we go there now I seem to have the lamb cutlets. Before that it used to be the sweet chilli chicken. We meet again on 26th September after we get back from New Zealand.

It has been a little time since I last wrote in my blog and that it due to a very hectic week; or it was for us. Monday night we went off to Northmead Bowling club to try our hand again at euchre. This time Tony won 6 out of 7 games and shared the $28 price with another guy (sorry, I can't remember his name. I am still trying to learn all the ones at the aged care place) and also received a free drink voucher. I on the other hand only won 3 games and got nothing. So we will see what happens next Monday.
Tuesday was aged care day and I got a surprise when I arrived and found the office was neat and clean and all the filing cabinets locked. You see it was their accreditation day and two people from the Wesley Mission head office were there checking everything out. I can't wait to find out this week how they went. Shirlee took the garden club this week and I did trivia with the ones that didn't go as they wanted to make a good impression and not just have the residents all sitting there watching telly. I sat in on their residents meeting this week and I looked across and a whole row of residents were asleep so I guess they didn't get much out of the meeting. Thursday was going to be pyjama day and staff and residents had to wear PJ's and on Friday they were having Christmas in July which consisted of Chicken and chips and Pavlova and fruit for lunch and hot chocolate and marsh mellows for morning tea.
Wednesday I went to the hairdressers and had the usual. I am letting my hair grow a bit as I like tying it back when I get sick of it. In the evening we went to dinner at Winston Hills pub with Sokit & Henri and Jolanta and John. I haven't been in the pub since the old days before it was revamped and looking rather upmarket inside. The food was quite reasonable in price and we had the bonus of being able to watch a good game of footy on the screens with the State of Origin. Sokit turns 60 on 1st September and will be in Las Vegas on the day so we will be having a big get together to celebrate her birthday before she goes.

Tony and I meet a nice couple, Carol and Peter on our Dubbo trip who live around the corner from Craig at Greystanes. We met up with them at Parramatta Leagues club for a meal on Thursday evening. Carol would I think only be in her late fifties but she is already a great grandma. Peter has the same sense of humour as Tony so they got on well. We have left it to them to ring us if they want to go out again. So we will wait and see if we made an impression on them.
I had an appointment at the doctor's on Friday morning to get the results of my blood tests I had on Monday. I was dreading this as I didn't want to have to go on any more pills. Results were good. My blood sugar level had dropped down from 7.1 to 6.2 over the last six months so the gym must be doing some good. Also my cholesterol was 3.8 also good.
In the evening we went to our accountant and he completed and submitted our tax for last year.I have always done my own tax but because of my retirement I was not sure of a few things.
Speaking of retirement, Tony's last day is this Friday. They are giving him a big farewell in the dining room on Wednesday and the whole hospital including Liverpool hospital have been invited. Tony is a bit nervious about giving a speech but I don't think he has anything to worry about as he never seems lost for words.
At the Gym the other day some women were talking about a show on tv that reinacted events that happen to people in dangerous foreign countries. It reminded me of an incident that happen to Tony, Peter, Karen and myself when we were in Kuala Lumpur. We had hired a taxi driver to show us around and also take us to see the fireflies. Our driver seemed friendly enough and was laughing and joking. We had a good afternoon and then it was time to see the fireflies at Majlis Daerah which was a fair distance away. We were also asked to bring our passports. I was in the front seat with the driver and Tony, Peter and Karen were in the back seat. We were all chatting away including the driver then the sun went down and the darkness came and we were out in the middle of nowhere. The driver then seemed to change. Someone rang him on his mobile and there was a lot a yelling then he went all quite. He received a number of phone calls and I kept asking him is everything ok. The three in the back seat weren't saying a word and I didn't know what they were thinking. I was thinking this is it! There is going to be a group waiting somewhere in this darkness to ambush us and we would not make it out alive. Finally after some terrifying moments we reached our destination and got in these tiny dingys in complete darkness and travelled along in this murky water and saw millions of fireflies. We took photos but none of them came out because it was pitch black. This all happened after an incident we had had earlier that day with a small bus tour company and we thought something might have lead on from that but all was ok. Discussing it later the other 3 in the backseat were all thinking the same as me.
Good news about your doctor's results - you're looking really fit and slim in all your recent photos.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to hearing about Tony's speech...
Maybe your driver in KL was just having a fight with his wife!
Actually he was lost and his brother had told him the wrong way but we didn't know that at the time and it was scarry.