Mother's Day at Mean Fiddler


Having a nice quiet weekend at last. It's good when you have nothing on and you can just potter around and don't have to venture out if you don't want to. I have felt unwell for the last four/five days and this free weekend has made a difference. I don't know what was wrong but I just didn't feel like eating; the thought of food made me ill. I had no energy and didn't feel I could be bothered doing anything, and this isn't like me. I even missed two days at the gym. Come to think of it the instructor did work me rather hard last time I was there and then I got ill maybe that had something to do with it. Anyway I am over it now and will be back there tomorrow. I think the spaghetti on toast Tony gave me was the start of my improvement. I haven't had that since I was a kid.
Stepdaughter Catherine, her half sister Amanda and the twins were over from Perth this week. Catherine stayed with us on Sunday and Monday nights (luckily before I got sick). We spent Sunday at a crowded Manly as it was beautiful weather. Monday we went to Redfern Oval as Catherine wanted a hoodie at the Souths shop (yes another Rabbitoes fan) and it happened that the Souths team were training at the oval. Catherine was like "a kid at Christmas" taking snaps and talking to the players. After taking numerous photos with the players we finished up at the coffee shop for lunch. It was good to see Catherine so thrilled with it all. 

This week as follows:

The rest of the week Catherine and Amanda had to help out at the Home Show at Darling Harbour. Stepfather, George has invented the Boyer Safety Door which will help prevent terrible injuries suffered mainly by children catching their fingers in the door. They are trying to get it out there on the market. If it takes off Catherine's brother, Craig, would like to run the business.

This week as follows:
Monday - free day tonight Northmead
Tuesday - Tebbutt Lodge ..bring photo of Pinto.
Wednesday - Lunch at The Entrance with
Taffy & Pat, Bernie & Fay. This
will consist of fish and chips on
the beach.
Thursday - Babysitting Day cards tonight
as Rolf and Christa have gone
overseas for six weeks.
Friday - Free day
Saturday - Lunch at a Pub in Camden with
Terry & Janet, Margaret & John,
Malcolm & Barbara.
I was collecting Felise up from School last Thursday and she telling me who some of the children were. She pointed to this girl who would have been in about Year 5 and said " I like her. Her name is ..... and she is Spanish. She speaks Spanish but I can't understand what she is saying."
When Catherine told Felise her cat is named Stirfry she said "O, like the fried rice". She does make we smile she is so precious...........