I don't know where March went to but I now find I am in April and it is now getting cooler. Footy season's started and this will keep us busy for the next 5 months. So far I have been to see the Tigers play Warriors at Leichhardt (son, David and I have season tickets for Leichardt games) and the Rabbits play at Gosford. While at Gosford I took the opportunity to meet up with my old school friend Dale and her husband John. They took us to a restaurant with an art gallery and Japanese Gardens attached at east Gosford. I didn't know that it existed but it has been there about 15 years. We had an enjoyable afternoon catching up on all the latest news of the families.
I have finally got rid of the bugs in the shower. Everytime I would turn the water on to shower these minuet flying insects would attack me. They were like little grey specks and when you squashed them with your finger they would just be like a bit of dust. I certainly showed them what Mortein was for.
We had a couple of lots of visitors stay during March. Bill and Beryl from Port Macquarie were going to a Wedding at Liverpool so they stayed. Also Fay and Bernie from Fassi Fern near Newcastle stayed and we went out for dinner with another couple from Fairfield hospital as they were all ex employees.

Granddaughter Felise had a Grandparents day at her school last week and unfortunately we had already made plans for a senior citizens lunch and show. I was so disappointed as Felise had told everyone her grandparents were coming. Even her mum was unable to get time off work to go. When I asked Felise the next day how the morning went she said she cried because no one was there for her. However, when I took her to school one of the mother's came up to me and asked was I her grandmother and was I there yesterday. I guiltily said no. She said I just wanted to tell you that she was the best dancer there. She said all the other little ones where looking around etc but Felise was focused on what she was doing. I felt so proud of her. It reminded me of the time my daughter, Melissa got up at preschool and sang Do Re Mi in front of an audience. I felt proud then too. Actually I have felt proud many times when my children where growing up......and very proud of each of them now.
We dined at Zacs last month with David and Amanda and Jan and Burne. We also have another dinner at Zacs this month with Peter and Gina. I think if it wasn't for my brother and us Zacs would be closed by now.