I was saddened to hear about the earthquake disaster in Christchurch. We were only there in September 2009, a year before the quake they had in September last year and now another one with some many people killed and injured.
We took this photo of the Cathedral in the Square and now it is in ruins. The hotel we stayed in was the Grand Chancellor one of the tallest buildings in Christchurch. It has structural damage and they are expecting it to collapse and have cordoned off 2 blocks around it.
The dinner went off well on Sunday although I didn't make the eggplant and pasta pie for Gina as I realised there was meat in it. So I made ratatouille instead. Each couple mentioned how nice the other couple were and how easy they were to talk too. It was very hot so rather then make them sit outside and swelter we ate in the air-conditioned comfort inside.
I don't get to do exercises with Tebbutt Lodge crowd now as the Pastor has changed days and now does her service on a Tuesday Morning. We had a farewell morning tea for the old Pastor on Tuesday as he is retiring. While they are having their service I visit the residents that are in their rooms and listen to their life stores and write it down in a book for them.
I also now do lunches which I like. Took in a photo of a friend's upside down orchid as Erwin is very interested in them and has even given me one. However, before I got to see him I heard he had just had a stroke so I hope he is ok as I am rather fond of him.
My audience for trivia is growing.......although I have to explain some of my jokes.
The shirt story David mentioned in his comment goes like this. Tony ordered a medium size South Sydney polo neck shirt as they only had small in stock. However, when he went to pick it up found they hadn't been able to get it. So he tried on the small size and brought it as he thought it would be ok. When he went to the cupboard to hang it up with the rest of his Souths gear he found exactly the same one there in a medium size.
That story is not as funny as the the scotch egg one. I made some scotch eggs for Tony before I left for Nelson Bay so he could have while I was away which he did. On the Thursday night he remembered there was one left and went to the fridge to get it however he couldn't find it and thought he must have eaten it. On Friday morning he left for Nelson Bay. On Friday afternoon Craig rang and asked could he go over to our place for a swim. When we arrived home on Saturday afternoon Tony opened the fridge and there was the scotch egg on a plate right in front of him and he thought he must be going mad. Anyway he then ate it. When speaking to Craig that night he asked did he have a swim and Craig said no they spent the time on the computer instead and that he had found a scotch egg in the computer room and put it back in the fridge. Tony then remembered that he had been speaking on the Thursday to someone on Skye and they didn't know what a scotch egg was so he had brought it in to show them.
He then felt rather ill thinking of the time it had been out of the fridge and he had eaten it.....but he survived.