We arrived home from Nelson Bay yesterday after five days staying at the Oaks Lure Resort with Kerry-Ann, Felise and Jake. Tony came up to spend the last day with us. We had perfect weather although rain had been predicted. We left last Sunday and stopped on the motorway refreshment shop for lunch just outside of Gosford. Afterwards we continued on to our "holiday home" as the kids kept calling it, and settled into our 2 bedroom apartment (one upstairs with bathroom and one downstairs with bathroom). After unpacking we ventured down to the supermarket to pick up some supplies then into the heated pool for a swim. For dinner we picked up some fish and chips and went down to the marina to eat. The children had a play in the park and then we carried our weary selves back to the apartment and watched an episode of Glee before turning in for the night.
The children did enjoyed the snakes and lizards though. We then went back to the"holiday house" for lunch and a swim in the pool. For dinner we had some leftovers from the night before then headed down to the Marina for a special ice cream treat. The children then run themselves ragged and we plodded back to the "holiday house" for a good nights rest.
We treated ourselves out for a nice dinner at the Bowling Club. As we were entering the club Felise remembered going there last year. When we were having dinner Felise squeezed one of those sachets of tomato sauce to put on her plate only she had it pointing the opposite way and when we looked she had sauce all over her face. I tried to take a photo but my camera did not work....a pity. It wasn't Felise's night as when we arrived back at the ''holiday house" she run straight into the closed glass door nose first. It reminded me of the birds that fly into the window then fall down stunned. Poor little Felise! She was ok in a little while..... no broken nose.
We then packed and loaded up our cars and away we went back to Sydney stopping again at the half way cafe for lunch.
Next morning after breakfast we went to our old haunt "Dutchies" and pitched our tent. The children were not impressed much with the sand but we managed to build a couple of sandcastles. They were not too fussed about the water either unless we went in with them.
After spending a bit of time there they wanted to go back to the "holiday house" which we did and had lunch. While they were all having a rest I went for a walk around the town and it came to mind that not a lot had changed over the years. Nelson Bay's structure was the same except for some new apartment blocks. Nothing like its sister, Salamander Bay. When I arrived back Kerry-Ann made up some spaghetti bolognaise for dinner after which we watched some more episodes of Glee before retiring.
On Tuesday we went to visit Oakvale farm at Salt Ash. However, when we arrived we were engulfed in goats all around us with their slated beadie eyes and the kids started screaming and crying. After fighting our way through the goats we went to see the other animals but Jake always had one eye on the back of him in case a goat appeared. Even when we got on the tractor for a ride a goat jumped on and Jake was a nervous wreck until the keeper got him off. We saw the cows being milked and Kerry-Ann fed the lambs. There was this little piglet and I wanted to take him home. I did manage to let a couple of goats and a couple of sheep out the gate. I tried to round them up and got the goat and two sheep back in but when I coached the other goat back in the other three got out again. I then gave up and the last I saw was two sheep wandering up to the shop.

Wednesday was Australia Day and we thought we would go back to Dutchies for a swim. However, because of the public holiday all the parking around the area was taken up so we went on to Little Beach and found a spot. The water was beautiful and I could have spent all day in it as it was rather a hot day. Quite a lot of people were all set up for their family BBQs. We stayed until lunch time then went back for lunch and the children had a sleep before going down to the pool.

More episodes of Glee then off to bed.
Thursday Tony arrived and we all went down to the pool for a swim, then down to the Marina for a play on the jumping castle etc and back home for lunch and a rest. Tony and I took it in turn to go to the shops while the others were asleep. In the evening we had dinner at the Hogs Breath and on the way back to the ''holiday house" Jake saw this back cat meowing and coming towards him and let out a piercing scream. He was terrified. He is not fond of cats......or goats....or Pinto. He probably now has nightmares about goats and cats. We thought we would go for a night swim and all got ready but there was a notice on the pool that it had shut at 7.30 tonight. The children were disappointed but we told them we would have a swim first thing in the morning.......and so we did.

This Photo was taken by Felise
Felise turns six on Tuesday and it is also her first day of school. Tuesday is also my first day back at Tebbutt Lodge after a rather long break of six weeks.