We celebrated Mother's Day with a glorious sunny day at Fagan Park, Galston on Sunday. It is beginning to be a tradition that we have a picnic on this day. The venue was very picturesque, although a bit far out for a few people, but it had plenty of parking and spaces to set up the picnic. After a scrumptious lunch, Amy and her friend, Haley went down to the pond with Tony and caught some tadpoles while I took Felise and Jake up to the children's playground where Felise got her long pants all wet from playing in the sand and water. After kicking and throwing the ball around there was some

tired little teddy bears and it was time to head off home.
Trivia took at rest at Tebbutt this week as the lodge had their monthly resident meeting which I sat in on. They discussed things like....some residents missed out on dinner one night because there was a lot of staff away sick and the people filling in for them didn't realise some people hadn't been served. Also the language in the dinning room from some of the men is inappropriate and they want to draw up a code of conduct. Plus there was not enough pea & ham in the pea and ham soup.
The ex Baptist Minister that helps out with the gardening group didn't turn up this week and he was bringing some paint to paint some pots. I had to think of something else to do so we prepared this planter box and filled in with all different types of flower seeds. Hopefully one or two will come up.
I took Felise to Kindergarten this morning as Kerry-Ann had to go into the city library. Felise showed me where to put her lunch and where to put her morning tea and where to hang her bag. She then proceeded to sit down and start working on a project the teachers had set out for the children. Jake in the meantime managed to spill the glue.
My visit to the specialist for my knee was not that successful. $300 later he told me that the only thing that would fix it (mainly arthritis)was to have a knee replacement. He gave me a brochure to read and to go and think about it. After reading the pros and cons of the major surgery I have decided that I am not ready to go through that sought of pain at the moment and will keep my lot. He also told me to keep up with the gym and this may help.
This weekend we are off to a trivia night on Saturday and on Sunday, its the big game..Tigers v Rabbits.